Custom made foot orthotics, fitted specifically for you.
Plantar Fasciitis
A condition where the plantar fascia becomes inflamed and painful.
Heel Spur
A bony protrusion off the bone where the plantar fascia inserts.
Heel Pain
Localised pain or burning sensation in the heel of the foot.
A bump on the side of the large toe due to its deviation inwards.
A term used to describe pain in the area of the ball of the foot.
Benign tumor of a digital foot nerve.
A small area of dense callus that sits deeper in the skin.
Calluses an area of thickened skin caused by tissue stress.
Gout is caused by uric acid crystals that are deposited within a joint space.
Aching, stiffness and generalized pain in areas of the foot and ankle.
A viral infection of the skin caused by HPV.
Ingrown Toenails
Painful toenail growth under the skin of the toe that can progressively get worse
Fungal Nails / Thickened Nails
A fungal infection that affects the a portion or all of the nail plate.
Pediatric Consultations
Orthodics, foot or ankle consultation for young children.
In Office Surgical Procedures
Surgical procedures related to foot and ankle conditions or pains.